I always do research whenever I write: whether it’s looking up legends for Zombies Don’t Play Soccer or finding out about unicorn lore for the Keyholder series. So when I was blessed with the opportunity to write a new series (coming out in May 2012) that focuses on the ocean, I naturally studied the ocean and its amazing inhabitants. I realized how important even the smallest sea creature is to the circle of underwater life and how much that affects human life. So my new series has a character named Kiki who is very focused on protecting the ocean from pollution, as we all should be. I hope you’ll watch for news on my new series on my website www.debbiedadey.com. You can also write me there at Kid’s Talk to let me know what you are doing for Earth Day.
Take care of our earth, Debbie Dadey.
Debbie Dadey has authored and co-authored 145 books, including two popular series, The Adventures of the Bailey School Kids and Keyholder.