
stuff to help our authors

The following materials are provided to assist participants in scheduling and coordinating their Authors for Earth Day school visits. If you have an event planned, please let us know right away. We send email updates to our author team with the appropriate resources to meet the A4ED timeline.

To Help You Schedule a School
A4ED Sample Information Letter
Feel free to use all or part of this letter to inform your school contacts about your interest in scheduling an Authors for Earth Day school visit. Great for an email or listserv blast!

For Your A4ED Visit
Make it Memorable
Send this PDF to your school contact as soon as you've confirmed your date. It offers a plethora of ideas for making your A4ED visit the best and biggest event it can be and encourages the school to fully recognize your generous contribution.

Educator Preparation Packet
This PDF includes information about Earth Day, as well as multi-grade curriculum that educators can use to increase environmental awareness while meeting critical standards.

Nominees Template (word document, for editing) | Nominees Template (pdf, for review only)
Use this template to provide your five favorite non-profit conservation organizations to your participating school, so the teachers and students can research them prior to your visit. This document includes a list of national & international organizations.

Voting Forms Template (word doc, for editing) | Voting Forms Template (pdf, for review only)
Use this template to create the voting forms for teachers to use in their classrooms on the day of your visit. The tally of votes will determine your donation recipient.

Post-Event Follow-Up
Donation Recipient Letter
Fill in and/or edit this letter to be mailed along with the donation to your school's "winning"
organization. The letter should detail your A4ED event and encourage the organization to
send some form of thank you to the students.